Rise Above: Navigating the storms of uncertainty

blog Jan 29, 2025

By Natalie Born

Eagles have long been admired as symbols of bravery, determination, courage, leadership and beauty. Their ability to soar, seemingly untouched by life’s challenges, captures our imaginations and stirs our hearts. In many ways, the characteristics of eagles are deeply intertwined with leadership and strategy. Why? Because eagles use storms to their advantage. Rather than cowering from the winds or retreating to safety, they allow themselves to be lifted by the storm, rising above it to gain a broader perspective. From that higher vantage point, the eagle can see further, assess the situation and plot its course with precision.

For leaders, this is the core of how strategies are built. When we’re faced with challenging headwinds or turbulent economies, we need to rise above them. We must surround ourselves with voices that help us aim higher, see further and dream bigger. So, let me ask you: as you enter your organizational planning for 2025, are you using the storms in your business environment to elevate your perspective, or are you allowing them to keep you grounded?

To navigate through the storms of uncertainty and change, there are three pillars all leaders need to build their strategy. These pillars will help you not just survive but thrive.

Pillar 1: alignment around the table. Every leader around the table must be in full agreement with the organization’s direction, its specific goals and the tactics needed to get there. This alignment isn’t just about being on the same page—it’s about being in sync, moving together as one. It’s essential that all key decision-makers share a clear understanding of the actions and efforts required for success. Without this collaboration and agreement, success will always remain just out of reach.

When your team lacks alignment, you create disconnects that undermine progress. Perhaps one leader is focused on operational excellence while another prioritizes innovation—both are valid, but without alignment, these goals can pull the organization in different directions. Strategic success hinges on unified vision and collaborative execution.

Pillar 2: executive ownership. To ensure your strategies do not lose momentum or drift off course, every initiative must have an executive-level owner. This is a dedicated leader who champions the strategy, keeps it top of mind and ensures that it remains a priority. Without an owner, strategies become everyone’s responsibility—and when that happens, they quickly become no one’s responsibility.

Here’s what we’ve found to be true: if everyone “owns” it, then no one truly owns it. Assigning ownership means assigning accountability. It empowers leaders to drive progress and navigate challenges with focus. It ensures that every strategy gets the attention it deserves.

Pillar 3: accountability structure. A well-structured year revolves around accountability. Each strategy must have dedicated teams and resources that report regularly on progress. The executive leader, in turn, provides oversight and guidance, driving continuous improvement and goal achievement. It’s not enough to simply set goals at the beginning of the year and hope for the best. Accountability is what guarantees your strategies are executed with precision and discipline.

This structure ensures your organization stays on course even when faced with obstacles. Regular check-ins, performance metrics and reporting systems create the rhythm needed to maintain momentum and ensure success.

Next time you see a storm on the horizon—whether it’s a market disruption, organizational change or economic uncertainty—don’t fear it. Instead, allow it to lift you, challenge you, teach you and grow you. The storm is not your enemy; it is your opportunity. Like the eagle, use it to rise to a higher vantage point, to see beyond the immediate turbulence, and to gain the perspective needed to lead your organization.

Power thought: Successful leaders see storms as opportunities for growth.


Natalie Born is a principal consultant with Arch and Tower, the host of a top-25 innovation podcast called Innovation Meets Leadership and the author of Set It on Fire: The Art of Innovation, from which this column was adapted. Natalie has collaborated on two approved U.S. patents and has more than 20 years of experience leading product development, strategy and innovation teams working globally in more than 18 countries. Follow Natalie @innovationmeetsleadership on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn, or head over to or for more innovation resources.

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